As It Is

Boston To Lambeth (Part I) with text

An examination of the burrough which voted overwhelming against Brexit from a visual perspective and also the voices of its 8-year old citizens.

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Boston To Lambeth Part II

An examination of the burrough which voted overwhelming for Brexit from a visual perspective with composition In É by Éna Brennan.

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The Walls Within

A performance which examines our own self imposed boundaries and navigation of what constitutes balance. Work supported by Agility Award (Arts Council Ireland). Instrumental music by Éna Brennan featuring a rendition of Percy French’s Mountain’s of Mourne sung by Elva Mulchrone.

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 As We Are

As We Are

Oil and silkscreen on linen, 150 x 150 cm

As We Are (Study)

As We Are (Study)

Acrylic on wood, 30 x 40 cm