Capital Topographies
Capital Topographies is a collaboration with fellow artist Basil Al Rawi, which arose from a shared passionate commitment to harness the potential of data and abstract it into a visual form. After detailed analysis of data from the World Incomes Database and the Paris School of Economics, and an examination of its potentialities through paint, print and sculpture, our collaborative work arose from a realisation that the true inherent complexities of the patterns could be abstracted in a more immersive and aesthetic way through animated simulations, performance and film. These images are 3D visualisations of the percentiles of income share across global economies.
Cyclic Suits
Cyclic Suits is a piece written for string quartet, electronics, vocals, and includes taped snippets of a Thomas Piketty lecture. It is a musical reaction by composer Siobhra Quinlan to the to my work, which explores the cyclical nature of repeat patterns in macroeconomic policy. The collaborative project is titled "The Ostinato Effect" and was included in the USB Shuffle Show at the Institut für alles Mögliche in Berlin, March 2016.
Economic Landscape II